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How I learned to crack the tidy code…

by Sarah Miller

Have you ever stopped to think about how all the stuff and clutter in our lives could literally be standing in our way… that “stuff” is actually preventing us from living our best life and finding our true potential?

Why can’t we break break up with our stuff?

And when we finally do, how come it magically reappears? Do we always have to get back together with our stuff? What a hot mess!!

“Messy Marvin”. That’s what my Dad always called me.

My Mom called me something much worse.  Read my blog here!

I’ve also been called creative and well-organized!

On the outside, I may have appeared to be well put-together, but I was secretly drowning in my stuff, always late, and always losing things like my keys or my wallet. (It was in the laundry hamper!!).

Despite this, somehow I have always been really good at helping other people declutter and organize their stuff. I have conquered countless cluttered kitchens and closets and even whole houses, but surprisingly until now never my own- not successfully anyway. I loved my stuff too much to get rid of it. You feel me?

Why do we have a love affair with stuff?

I decided to investigate this and consumed every bit of knowledge I could get my hands on. Then I got my certification as an organizational specialist.

Here is the surprising answer to that question:

It’s not that we are messy and we can’t fix it, it’s that we haven’t learned how to hack messy yet.

It’s a skill set.

And that is how “Bye Clutter, Hello Love!” was born.

I don’t just get you. I am you.

It’s time for you to join me on this journey to ditch the stuff, crack the tidy code and embrace the love. You won’t regret it.

Sarah Miller, Blogger & Certified Organizational Specialist

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