Bye Clutter, Hello Love! HOME ORGANIZING


Quick Answers

Have Questions?

How much does it cost?

Prices are $60/hour with a minimum booking of 3 hours. $80/hr for packing/unpacking (no participation from you!)

How much time should I book to organize my home?

It really depends on: the size of your home, how much stuff you have and how quickly you can make decisions. A consultation will help us give you an approximation of the time frame. GUESSTIMATE IN HOURS – Closet 6-10, Kitchen 8-24, Garage 12-24, Office (incl filing) 12-18, Basement 6-12, Bathroom 3-6 , Playroom 6-18, Bedroom 4-8, Living Room 4-18

What methods of payment do you accept?

Cash, cheque or e-transfer preferred. Or you can use a major credit card and pay directly on the website (coming soon…!)

Do I need to be there?

For decluttering, absolutely, as you will decide what stays or goes. For the organizing, your presence is not necessary. If you wish to have your house packed and unpacked for you, then you will arrive to a done deal (no participation necessary).

What happens during the Consultation and how much is it?

First we will walk through the different areas of your home to discuss the areas that overwhelm you. Then we will do a quiz to find our your organizing style. With that info we will then discuss the possible solutions, a rough estimate of the time frame to declutter and organize, and advise you on the best package for you. We will also measure your space to prepare for the first session. Consultation lasts for up to an hour. The in-home consultation fee is $60+tax and it is credited toward session one if you decide to work with us.

How do I get started and book a consultation?

Fill out the contact us form and let us know what you need and when you need it!

Do sessions include the cost of organizing & storage products?

No, you are not required to purchase any additional organizing & storage products. It is your choice. However, we may find after decluttering that you have plenty of storage space and systems already in place that we can repurpose. If you decide to purchase any products, we will do the shopping for you and you will pay for the products accordingly.

I am embarrassed of the mess! I don’t want you to judge me!

I am you! Or at least I used to be! I won’t judge you! You aren’t messy… you just haven’t learned the skills yet. That’s what I’m here for: to figure out your organizing style so that your home will be easy and functional to maintain (and beautiful too)! P.S. All of our sessions are 100% private and confidential. Any before-and-after photos will not include any personal identity or personal information. Testimonials are WELCOME and appreciated!

Have More Q’s or Ready to get started?

I am here to help! Can’t wait to help you transform your home and your life!